In Sight of the Beginning


Paul Trafford

A little intro

This is an HTML version of a book, most of which I wrote between '89 and '93, though it has since continued to evolve - indeed, my views are impermanent! Perhaps then, it is suitable for the WWW and I may revise it from time to time. Any recent changes or additions will be marked in dark green.

Initially, I gave the work a provisional title, A Stepping Stone with the subtitle, being a little book of Spiritual Philosophy.

I've lent copies to various people, but have made little effort to publish it in hard copy form and so it remains (as at 7/97) unpublished except for this electronic form. Also, I've omitted some material which I consider very tentative, 'experimental' or otherwise as yet unsuitable.

I would welcome any feedback, including comments on the presentation, via email ( see contact details).

For your convenience, I have included an option with frames that keeps a menu bar on the lefthand side. Before you start clicking, however, I just wish to emphasise that this book is intended for reflection - if convenient, I recommend you obtain printouts and read these in some peaceful spot. Thank you.

Please select between the following:

Standard version


Frames version


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