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Index to Books

Cover for Taste of Dhamma Cover for Oneness Cover for Tibetan Wheel Cover for 'Attachment'  
On this page you may select between a number of on-line books which have been given as Dhamma teachings from monks or other recognised teachers. Among those stored locally is an inspiring biography of Venerable Phra Acharn Mun, a famous monk in the Thai Forest Tradition, written Venerable Phra Maha Boowa, one of his disciples, and translated into English by Mr Siri Buddhasukh.  The other books include a collection of teachings by Ven. Ajahn Sanong Katapunyo (1944-2012) of Wat Sanghathan (whose Birmingham branch in the UK formerly had the same name, but for charity purposes it has since been renamed Wat Santiwongsaram); external links will take you elsewhere to other teachers! Please write to me if you encounter any problems reading the material.

Other Introductory Books (held externally)

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Last modified: 26 October 2013